Ashley Williams becomes Sporting Director

Stretford Paddock FC Welcomes Ashley Williams as Sporting Director and Shares His Vision for the Club

Stretford Paddock FC is thrilled to announce the appointment of Ashley Williams as the club’s new Sporting Director. Williams, an accomplished footballer with extensive experience on the field, including serving as the Captain of the Welsh national team, is eager to share his knowledge and expertise with the players and staff of Stretford Paddock FC.

Williams shared his enthusiasm for joining the club and outlined his responsibilities in his new role:

“I feel like there’s a role I can play in helping out with the club. The main thing that excites me is being on the pitch with the players and helping them develop, building contacts with other football clubs, and helping players progress up the pyramid.”

He further expressed his admiration for the foundation that has already been built by the club:

As a club, we’ve got exciting plans ahead, and I’m looking forward to joining in with what Ste has already built with hard work.

Regarding player recruitment, Williams highlighted the importance of certain qualities in potential players:

I think the first thing I’d be looking for in a player is, are they coachable? What direction do they want to go in? We’ll obviously be looking at ability, but it isn’t the be-all and end-all. It’s all about taking a player and improving their level.

He also emphasized the need for players who are dedicated and eager to be part of the team: “Are they receptive? Do they want to be here?”

Williams is no stranger to climbing the ranks in football, making his experience particularly valuable for Stretford Paddock FC:

“We’ve spoken a lot about this. I know exactly what it’s like going from the lower leagues to the Premier League, which is one of the reasons you wanted me to be involved in dealing with players who went through something similar to me at 17 years of age after being released from West Brom.”

With an optimistic outlook on the club’s future, Williams concluded:

“You look at some other models that have done really well, and we think we can do something similar, if not better. We shouldn’t put a timescale or expectations on it. We want to bring the whole Stretford Paddock family together, bring in new additions, and involve the community. It’s doable because it’s been done. Teams have progressed through the leagues very quickly, and it’s not easy. But with our resources and facilities, I don’t see why we can’t go on and do something very good.”

Stretford Paddock FC are confident that Ashley Williams’ vision, passion, and experience will contribute significantly to the club’s ongoing success. The club is currently inviting interested players to join the team. If you would like to be a part of this exciting journey, please fill out >>> THIS CONTACT FORM <<< to or head over to the  PLAY FOR US page on this website, to express your interest


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